Friday 20 February 2009

Art Lebedev Teleport 2.0 Records Telephone Calls via USB To Your PC

If you ever have need to keep a log of all incoming telephone calls,
such as numbers called, numbers dialled on what dates and what times,
the simple, albeit somewhat low-tech solution would be to simply ask for
itemised billing (if you're not getting that already) - but if you would
also like the option of recording all incoming and outgoing calls this
USB based Teleport 2.0 from Art Lebedev could fit the bill nicely.

Of course, in being a Art Lebedev product, you could be excused for
thinking that its probably merely listed as 'coming soon' - which, in
Art Lebedev terms invariably translates into something along the lines
of 'expect it some time this side of the Sun evolving into a White
Dwarf* (* with a bit of luck)' - but its actually already available.
Will wonders ever cease? (Apparently not, actually, for the time being
at least, as, at a mere $71, it's not exactly spectacularly over-priced

Art Lebedev [via]

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