Thursday 19 February 2009

Best Buy Internal Leak - Sony PS3 80GB To Be Discontinued?

Thanks to what's purported to be a leaked internal letter sourced from a
Best Buy employee it would seem that Sony's 80GB Playstation console
could be discontinued.

The letter, a scan of which was apparently passed to the bods at the PS3
Fanboy site, is cited as stating '�The 80GB version of the PS3 is going
closeout and won’t be replaced at this time,” and continues
“It will come off the planogram on Jan. 28. The 60GB version
should already be gone from stores. Only the 40GB version of PS3 will be
sold in Best Buy stores at this time.

Quite whether this applies merely to Best Buy or whether it hints at the
80GB model being discontinued completely is presently enduring a great
degree of speculation on a number of sites at the time of writing - but
we'd prefer to sit on the fence at this juncture until some official
confirmation (or denial) from Sony is forthcoming (not that denials from
Sony tend to be worth the paper they're written on).

RIP PS3 80GB? Time will tell.

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