Saturday 22 August 2009

Zuvo Water Purator Compact Water Purification System, 5-Stage Filtration, UV Light

Water purification is big business. There are filters for your faucets,
filters for your fridge, and filters for your portable water bottles. Oh
yeah, and all of those bottled water manufacturers are out there touting
their reverse osmosis ultra-clean technologies that remove everything
from water except the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. With all of this
filtering going on it's enough to make the average Joe never want to
drink from the tap again. Well, if you fall into the category described
above, you just might be interested in the Zuvo Water Purator.

As we all know, our tap water isn't really that pure. Aside from all of
the dissolved minerals that are naturally occurring, there might be
things like pharmaceuticals and heavy metals that could cause you to
have a bad day. According to the manufacturers, bottled water is
typically no safer or healthier than tap water, and the plastic bottles
eventually end up in a landfill somewhere. And with pitcher filters,
your water is only as clean as the filter you use. The Zuvo Water
Purator uses a patented Puration process that uses nature's own
cleansing process right in your kitchen.

The five step filtration method uses Ozonation, Ultraviolet (UV) Light,
Photo-oxidation, Filtration with lead removal and Post-filtration UV.
The combination of these steps treats the water and creates contaminant
reduction of: Lead 99%, Cysts 99.98%, Chlorine Taste/Odor 99% and
Sacchararmocyces/Cerevisiae 99.9%, it even works on hard water. I don't
know about you, but I personally like cysts in my water. It gives it a
nice earthy quality.

Zuvo claims that a taste test revealed that Zuvo water was chosen 7
times out of 7 over tap water. The filter is designed to last up to six
months and the UV lamp is designed to last up to three years. The Zuvo
can be mounted above or below your counter and is available for $199.99

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