Tuesday 25 August 2009

Star Wars Force Trainer Release Date Confirmed Star Wars Mind Control Game Feels Your Force, Moves Ball

If you're a dedicated Star Wars fan who feels the force you may like to
know that you can now pre-order the Star Wars Force Trainer mind control
game which, as you'd probably gathered, offers you the potential ability
to lift a ball (or remote sphere, as its officially referred to) merely
using the power of thought.

The Star Wars Force Trainer is billed as being capable of reading and
interpreting your brainwaves courtesy of a headset that senses your
brain's beta waves and transmits information directly to the training
tower and, should you be concentrating enough, you should see the ball (
sorry, remote sphere) rise with accompanying Star Wars sound effects
(that'll probably put you off, thus resulting in the ball dropping and
frustration ensuing as you release that the force in you is far from
strong and actually quite puny). Of course, as you train and get used to
focusing your mind this could lead onto you managing to lift additional
items with the power of your mind, such as cars, trains, entire
buildings and…no, actually, it won't.
The Star Wars Force Trainer is available to pre-order now for $140 and
is listed as due to ship from 30th September (but, being a Jedi, you
probably knew that already).

Check other Star Wares related items on TFTS.

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