Saturday 8 August 2009

Sony Ericsson Twiggy Flip-phone Got Caught in the Wild Twiggy to Replace Walkman W350

With so many mobile phones hitting the market each day is damn hard to
keep track, but here's an elegant new addition that got stuck into our
eyes, the new Sony Ericsson Twiggy. Referenced in press materials that
covered the new M500 Bluetooth speakers, Twiggy is a flip-phone with a
business design and a lady-like name, that is to be the successor for
Sony Ericsson's Walkman W350.

Details are scarce at the moment but what we know is that this skinny
(you'll have to agree that it's thin) Sony Ericsson Twiggy comes with an
opening flap that covers the keypad and is going to support Internet
Widgets. A business design that keeps away from the models the Swedes
got us used with, Twiggy has its own way to charm and trigger our emotions.
Too bad we don't have the specs list, the price or a release date right
now, but something tells me that we shouldn't wait for much longer and
Twiggy gets official.

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