Sunday 23 August 2009

Audiomatryoshkas Speaker Concept by Alex Mamontoff Portable Speakers With That Nesting Doll Look

When it comes to portable speakers, we have reviewed our share. They
come in all shapes and sizes from little Legos to creepy animals to
just-plain-speaker speakers. It's not often that a design concept
catches my eye in a good way, so when I swiped a glimpse of the latest
speaker concept design from Alex Mamontoff called Audiomatroyshkas, I
had to pass it along.

The Audiomatroyshkas portable speaker concept (now that's a mouthful) is
inspired by the traditional Russian nesting dolls called matroyshkas.
You know, the ones that have one doll inside the other inside the
other…you get the picture. They are a really cool combination of
traditional shape and lines with high-tech gizmo-chic. These things
should be fun enough to get the kid's attention and curvy enough for the
interior design snobs. From the looks of the images, the unit would
combine a traditional sub-woofer with two satellite speakers for a
portable multi-media type experience.
Since these are only a concept at this point, we can't run out to pick
up our own set of Audiomatroyshkas any time soon. Let's hope that
someone with some design-sense and originality gets their investor hands
on this one so we can change that.

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