Monday 30 March 2009

Zip Zip’s Memory Brick USB Stick Makes Work Seem Like A Playroom!

So, why is the 'Memory Brick' USB stick so special?
I've always been somewhat of a tomboy and one of my favourite toys as
young girl was my colourful array of LEGO, scattered haphazardly across
my floor.A few decades down the line and I'm ready to spread the
beauties, yet again, but this time, all over my work desk!

Initially I was rather excited with this find, but after some research,
became even more enthralled by the options available to me. It appears
that ZIP ZIP produce these 'Memory Bricks' (ranging from $35 - $70) in
an array of colours, shapes and memory sizes. I'm almost drooling in
anticipation at the prospect of building my own USB LEGO house on my
desk top!

The 'Memory Bricks' house a USB 2.0 flash memory drive cleverly
disguised as original LEGO pieces and even better, they can connect
together as well as connect to the genuine LEGO pieces! The options are
endless!What I find particularly useful (seeing as though I continually
misplace the little things) is the fact that the lid 'connects' to the
memory component when in use. Besides this nifty idea, it also comes
standard with a keyring and lanyard attachment so you can carry this
LEGO 'Memory Block' wherever you go. Just try keep it away from the
kids, else you'll be searching through a mountain ofย LEGO, to find
that elusive flash drive!

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