Saturday 28 March 2009

Udea Discovery D250 PMP Touchscreen Dictionary with Handwriting Recognition

If you're looking for a touchscreen PMP that offers somewhat more
extended functionality than your average PMP and you happen to relish
the thought of having 32 (yes, 32) dictionaries constantly to hand
courtesy of pocket sized device then the new Udea Discovery D250 could
be exactly what you're looking for in offering a multitude of
dictionaries in no less than four different languages (namely Korean,
English, Chinese and Japanese).Not content with packing in 32
dictionaries (complete with spoken voice feedback via the unit's
integrated speaker), however, the Udea Discovery D250 also offers MP3
playback functionality, a photo viewer, an integrated camera, e-book
reader and the ability to record allowing for voice memos and is due to
hit Korea imminently with a suggested retail price of around a very
reasonable $180.Quite whether the Udea Discovery D250 will make it to
our shores, however, is open to speculation but we would suggest there's
little point in getting your hopes up.

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