Monday 30 March 2009

The Smart Target Kiddo KidKeeper Virtual fence - a nice change from kiddy leashes.

So we have virtual desktops, virtual pets, virtual fences for pets 'ฆ
and now virtual fences for kiddies! The Kiddo Kidkeeper is basically
the same product as the pet virtual fence except that the manufacturers
were kind enough to reconsider the 'zapping' action of the pet
ones.(Thank goodness, else we might have to re-look at electro-shock

The Kiddo Kidkeeper (created by Smart Target) is an easy-to-use alarm
and locator specifically designed with parents and children in mind.
The transmitter can be hooked up to 4 children (max) and the adult
carries a receiver. The system allows you to program a boundary
perimeter into the device and should a child cross this peripheral
limit, then an alarm will warn the adult and an image, of where the
little tyke is, will automatically be displayed on the receiver.

Seems almost too good to be true as we all know how kids can disappear
in a split second! With this in mind, Smart Target also allowed for 2
specific monitoring distances; namely, 4 metres for the overly hyper
child (or for crowded places) and 8 metres for an average child (and
calm open settings such as a playground or garden).

Not having kids of my own, I can't comment on how ingenious an idea this
is, but based on my knowledge of my own childhood and my inquisitive
nature, I still think my dear mum would continue to hook me up to those
kiddy leashes to ENSURE I NEVER left her sight.

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