Saturday 28 March 2009

RockBand illuminating drumsticks by The Ant Commandos

If you're as addicted to music and gaming as I am, you'll find these
illuminated drumsticks for RockBand not only fun and worthwhile but
absolutely FLASH!The Ant Commandos have come up with an answer to boring
wooden set sticks by offering you the opportunity to purchase flashy
rockstar drumsticks at a ridiculous price of $19, 99! These sticks light
up any room as if you were on stage banging away to a crowd of 1000
screaming fans! At least that's how you'll feel when the flame red or
electric blue light glitters as your pseudo rockstar status takes form
infront of your game console of choice whether it be Playstation, Wii or
Xbox!If you happen to be a serious real-life drummer you may not be so
surprised with this sudden technological feat as light-up drumsticks
have been creeping into the music scene for quite some time now 'ฆ but
for those serious wannabe rockstar gamers, banging away at their
RockBand drumkit, the idea of holding flashy sticks is anything but
boring.Besides the obvious colour and light enhancements, these
illuminating drumsticks, for RockBand, are somewhat thicker than the
usual wooden ones, which will assist in maintaining a tight grip while
banging away, and the cleverly designed silicon tips tend to reduce the
sound produced on the unit, thereby helping your neighbours save on ear
plugs.The only downfall is that you'll be so lost in flashy rockstar
space that you'll be replacing your AAA battery quite often as your
quest for 'stardom' becomes an hourly pursuit, banging away relentlessly
on your RockBand kit.


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