Sunday 29 March 2009

Lotus Concept Ice Vehicle - Nice Ice Baby!

If you want to explore the Antarctic, you are alreadyย one step closer
to madness in my opinion, and may actually enjoy driving along in one of
these bizarre Concept Ice Vehicles by Lotus.

The new Concept Ice Vehicle is definately at the top of all adventure
junkie's must-have lists, as this gadget-loadedย transport device
clambers along the icy horizon in all its ice-crunching glory,
impressing all the GI Joe wannabes. It comes fully equipped with the
latest technology, and even Batman and Bond would find it hard to
impress us with their gadgets after this baby hits the ice!

Lotus’ design supports a biofuel-powered, propeller-driven vehicle
that comes fully equipped with featuresย such as 3 ski feet to move
around on and a special spiked foot to grind the powerful machine to a
sudden halt, in a hurry, if need be. It’s ice-penetrating radar
might come in handy as it detects potential life-threatening flaws in
the ice while you step gracefully from ice block to snowy incline back
to ice block …

Apparently designed to aid in the Moon Regan TransAntarctic Expedition,
at least this monster technological feat will have it’s five
minutes of fame, and who knows, perhaps be the beginning of a whole new
life in Antarctica?

All in all, a nifty design for all those explorers who have been dying
to explore a horizon filled with little other than white snow and white
ice and more snow and more ice and, well … you get the picture.


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