Monday 30 March 2009

The Kid-Tough Portable DVD Player - It’s Child’s Play!

I'm not certain if I support the Kid-Tough Portable DVD Player as much
as I should and I have my reasons. Although this natty invention is
everything that a parent wishes for; safety, strength and the ability to
entertain your children while on long trips, I cannot help but feel sad
that the children of today won't learn to appreciate the family time,
that I did as a child, on road trips.Gone are the days of 'eye spy' and
car games replaced by modern items such as the Kid-Tough Portable DVD
Player and other similar gadgets. Now while I'm all for accumulating
every known wonder gadget for my own personal collection, I somehow feel
that children of today are lacking the personal contact and family
interaction that they require, in order to become the fulfilled adults
we want to grow up and run this world.

However, that being said, I'm sure there are some parents who will
absolutely adore this invention and perhaps, only use it sparingly,
allowing the child to learn how to operate and use this nifty device all
by themselves.

The unique rubberized design and skip-proof technology will ensure that
your DVD's remain safe and your child remains happy while they run
around and act as kids should. The 3.2 inch screen can be used as a tool
to help stimulate the child's reading ability and the easy-to-use knobs
and controls are kid-friendly, allowing the toddlers to learn how to
operate the system easily.

Now it's up to you 'family fuelled 'eye spy' or a disappointingly quiet
2 hour drive to your next holiday destination?

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