Thursday 26 March 2009

Iocell Hard Disk Recording ‘Contents Phone’ Telephone [Digitally Records Conversations, Offers Background ‘Musak’ During Calls]

As far as desk telephones go, few would argue that Iocell's somewhat
blandly named Contents Phone is quite a looker with its sleek lines and
tight, modernist design but there's more to Iocell's Contents Phone than
meets the eye thanks, primarily, to the inclusion of a hard disk drive
(offing an undisclosed capacity) that allows the phone not only to
record entire conversations but also to offload subsequent recordings to
computers, MP3 players and flash memory drives courtesy of an integrated
USB slot.

Great for those that like nothing better to record arguments only to
cite entire sections back by way of points scoring or for those intent
of a little entrapment, Iocell's Contents Phone will not only digitally
record conversations but it will also purportedly store recorded
conversations according to date and time and can even log Caller IDs
against recordings if required.

Further to its recording capabilities, the Iocell Contents Phone also
offers speakerphone functionality and, curiously, will even allow you to
play background music during calls though quite why anyone would want to
play musak during conversations is wholly beyond us.

No word as yet concerning either availability or pricing.


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