Monday 30 March 2009

The Gorgeous But Geeky “Pixel Couch& Hits The Market In A Flurry Of Colour

So I think I've pretty much explained how 'nerdy' I am so this review on
the 'Pixel couch' should come as no surprise. The 'Pixel Couch' is a
celebration of bad computer graphics and terrible screen resolution, yet
somehow, the designer, Cristian Zuzunaga, has designed a fabric that
rejoices this phenomenon.This 'Pixel Couch' is all thanks to the Royal
College art graduate's fabric design which is now being produced through
the Danish manufacturer Kvadrat and sold through Moroso.

It only makes sense to own furniture that replicates our daily lives by
bringing the concept of computer pixels into our living room don't you
think? Why escape pixels when our entire lives revolve around myriad
pixels on an hourly basis; from cameras to cellphones to computers to
GPS units to portable gaming devices and now lounge suites. Our lives
are part of one big pixelated heaven 'So go grab a pixel couch today and
integrate your old-fashioned homely life and modern existence flawlessly
into one faultless pixel picture of perfection. Wow, that's a lot of 'P's'

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