Sunday 29 March 2009

French designer John Nouanesing's &Geekini& Set to Woo the Nerds!

I had to smile at this online post, mainly because I tried to think of
how everyone would react to this inventive take on the bikini. French
designer John Nouanesing's 'Geekini' (a classic two-piece bikini
featuring strategically placed A, B and directional buttons from the
original Nintendo controller) is still in the conceptual stage and I
think, if I have to be honest, I'm quite sad to hear that.

Yes ' yes, I hear you all shout, 'what is wrong with you? Can't you see
the exploitation of women in the making of this garment?' and well '
yes,ย I can ' but to be honest, I think it's quite fun and apt! For one,
if you're brave enough to wear a bikini, in general, then you' brave
enough to give the impression that you're just a game to men, right?
Plus ' we all know how much our partners LOVE games ' so why not give
them what they want? YOU wrapped up in a clever game disguise! In that
way, you're sure to get the right buttons pushed! Everybody wins!

However, that being said, in no way do I suggest that this garment was
made merely for men's enjoyment (though I can see the humour in this
view point). For all that know me (and this includes my own man) I am
considered anย uber nerd, and although you may not say it if you see me,
give me a few minutes of your time and you will realise just how much
so! That being said, I would buy this baby in a jiffy (Which reminds me
did you know a jiffy is the duration of one tick of the computer's
system clock.) Yes ' yes ' I would indeed buy this and wear it proudly.
I happen to think it's quite awesome and I love the connotations it invokes.


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