Sunday 29 March 2009

Ergonomic Dual Screen Split Keyboard Notebook Portable Personal Computer Executive - Now That's a Mouthful!

It's called the Ergonomic Dual Screen Split Keyboard Notebook Portable
Personal Computer Executive and that's pretty much how I feel about it;
a mouthful, an eyeful, a complete strange phenomenon to
me.Thisย Ergonomic Dual Screen Split Keyboard Notebook Portable Personal
Computer Executive reminds me of a Nokia cellphone I once owned, and
promptly discarded to my father, who happened to enjoy it more than I
could ever have. The only difference here, of course, is that the Nokia
cellphone was much easier on the eye.There is no accounting for taste,
but I can't imagine many people will be rushing out to buy a laptop in
this design yet!
I think after some tweaking, perhaps, the overall use and functionality
might shine through.The question we need to ask ourselves is, is it

I know from personal experience that I require two screens for all my
graphics programs or I tend to feel a little claustrophobic but the
thought of parting my keyboard in two, to reveal a secret hidden screen
seems rather mystical and impractical.For one, If you're anything like
me, and live on your PC, then you'll know about the tedious work it
requires to clean the crumbs and chips from your keyboard! I'm not a
messy eater by any means, crumbs just happen to be a part of life, and
cleaning them from your keyboard, another.There have also been the
occasional drops of tea thatย I quickly swipe off with my trusty cloth,
but the thought of continually cleaning my desktop level screen scares
me somewhat; as does the impending crick in my neckย I can only begin to
imagine will be a lovely side-effect from the up and down ping-pong
action of my head.Apparently, according to reports, this concept will be
available to OEM's in the latter half of '08. I can only hope that they
work on a better design (with the average consumer in mind).


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