Saturday 28 March 2009 Shelter Cart competition & a future must have?

Coming from a well known third world country, and being rather sensitive
to these issues as a caring soul, the theory behind the
Shelter Cart competition struck me as very interesting. The concept of
the competition was to create a shelter cart to benefit those homeless
who needed something that could benefit them during their daily
lives.Although this competition is quite old; one design, in particular,
has stood out among the rest. Gregor Timlin with the help of Barry
Sheehan of Sharc Design came up with this nifty invention that not only
houses the homeless but makes their travelling and
“collections” that much easier to handle.It is not that
uncommon to see homeless people struggling along, collecting bottles,
cardboard and other various knick-knacks to help earn a few cents here
and there; particularly here in Africa where millions of people are
jobless and without even the basic day to day necessities that we take
for granted, such as running water and proper sanitation.While, Gregor
Timlin has categorically stated that “the project is not seen as a
solution to the social problem of the homeless but instead as a method
of raising awareness about the issue,” one can only hope that such
a great idea and concept will be put to good use in the future, perhaps
as an advertising tool for companies, and in turn a fabulous way to
protect the many homeless who need a place to call home.Besides, these
unsung heroes deserve something special as a thank you for their
never-ending work on cleaning, clearing and general recycling in my opinion.


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