Thursday 19 February 2009

Zhu Fei’s Spice Gun Concept For Trigger Happy Food Seasoning (One Shot or Two?)

Firstly we should apologise in advance for the poor quality of the
imagery contained within this post but the moment we came across this
Spice Gun concept we felt compelled to post about it as it's just such
an ingenious and fun idea - and a little fun never hurt anyone (except
when I tried roller boarding for the first and last time, but that's
another story).

Little in the way of information is provided concerning this novel spice
gun so we'll hand it across to the Chinese designer, Zhu Fei to describe
the concept:

gun is different from the other casters, it has more fun! When
you pull the trigger to compress the air in the air bag the handspike
will push the bottom of the seasoning bottle to make the nozzle in the
turntable to retract and spray the seasoning.'

Brilliant. All we need now is a 12 gauge pump action ketchup dispenser
and a chili powder grenade.


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