Friday 20 February 2009

USeason Slider USB Flash Drive with Solar Powered LCD Display

We accept that, in order to advance ourselves as an extremely
materialistic species we often have to experiment with technologies much
in the same way as a cook might experiment with flavours, but we just
cannot see the future in USB flash drives that come with integral solar
powered LCD displays, such as this U.Season Slider USB Flash Drive - not
least because it just seems rather futile if not fundamentally flawed.

Certainly we do like the idea of mini display units inbuilt into USB
flash drives if only to allow for a quick, at a glance snapshot as to
the current capacity in use and therefore the storage space left
available, but powering such a display via a solar panel just seems a
little silly when you consider that most USB flash drives invariably
spend a vast proportion of their lives either in the deepest recesses of
pockets or rattling around at the bottom of a laptop case or briefcase
(hence barely ever seeing the Sun). Why not just recharge an internal
battery via the USB port (whilst powering your laptop via a windmill)?

Solar Power and a hi-tech slider mechanism
(oh, how they spoil us)

Still, flippancy aside, if the idea of a USB flash drive with a solar
powered LCD display unit appeals to you these somewhat ugly U.Season
Slider USB Flash Drives may be of interest and are available in 1GB to
4GB flavours.

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