Wednesday 18 February 2009

Portable Modular Flash Drive HDD Concept Offers Snap Away Memory Chunks

Little in the way of information is available concerning this
interesting and rather cool USB based hard disk drive concept which
looks not dissimilar to a chocolate bar, except to say that it appears
to work via a central hub into which each of the USB memory drives
(which seemingly act as components parts of the drive itself or as
independent memory units when disconnected) is plugged.

Designed by Sang-Hoon Lee, the device is certainly a novel and
inspirational take on HDD's as we currently know them, however, one
cannot help but wonder how such a device would work in practice - in
having to pool the data from all the connected units whilst also
allowing for random disconnections of any of the units concerned.

Of course, it could just serve as a basic hub, with each USB drive being
recognised in its own right - but, if this were to transpire to be the
case then, in all honesty, this would actually transpire to be nothing
especially enthralling.

Will it ever see it off the drawing board without being completely
dumbed down? We think its doubtful.

[Source | YankoDesign]

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