Wednesday 18 February 2009

Polymer Vision Readius Cell Phone with E-Paper Flexible Folding Screen

Polymer Vision's Readius Cell Phone - initial details of which surfaced
around a year ago - may look like yet another concept destined to sink
without a trace but the device, which utilises e-paper to replicate the
detail and sharpness of the printed word on a flexible display, is
apparently already entering the production stage.

With the size of mobile devices being pretty much governed by the size
of their displays, designers of mobile devices have to find a happy
medium between proportions and general usability/accessibility but
Polymer Vision's Readius Cell Phone, in using a flexible display,
cleverly circumvents such issues by allowing the 5'� screen to fold away
- the result being ultra compact device.

'�People are demanding greater choice and flexibility in having overall
instant access to personal content and information'� said Karl
McGoldrick, CEO of Polymer Vision. '�They do not want to be concerned
with small screens, not being able to read in sunlight, a dead battery
or a device being too bulky to carry in their pocket. Readius solves
these worries and is generations ahead of anything else out there today'�.

Serving as an e-book reader as well as a smart phone, Polymer Vision's
Readius is a tri-band 3G HSDPA device offering direct RSS compatibility
as well as POP3 and IMAP protocol support (allowing the device to
send/receive emails) and, whilst details are rather scant at the time of
writing, it is known that the Readius will offer audio capabilities
whilst the unit's battery life is purported to offer around 30 hours of
reading time

According to Polymer Vision's website the Readius is envisaged to be
released commercially sometime in 2008. We await further details with
baited breath.

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