Saturday 21 February 2009

Orthopaedic Vibrating Alarm Clock Pillow Ensures You Wake Without Disturbing Others

Upon first coming across this pillow with integrated alarm clock which
can either wake you with a standard audible alarm or courtesy of the
entire pillow vibrating (or, for especially deep sleepers, a combination
of the two) we thought it a somewhat silly idea but, as we pondered
writing this post it occurred to us that it's not actually quite as
silly as it initially seems.

As someone who works irregular and wholly erratic hours (predominantly
occasioned by repeated episodes on insomnia) it can prove extremely
aggravating to eventually fall asleep at just past five in the morning
only to be woken at 5.30am by your partner who is somewhat of an early
bird - but, with this alarm clock pillow, such rude awakenings would be
a thing of the past. (Of course those with their minds in the gutter
could doubtless envisage altogether differing uses for a vibrating
pillow but we really won't go there).

Made from polyurethane foam with a cotton cover the Orthopaedic
Vibrating Alarm Clock Pillow retails for ยฅ7429 (which equates to
approximately $69 / pound sterling35 / 47 exclusive of shipping at the
time of writing).

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