Friday 20 February 2009

Micheal Laut’s Bamboo Chute Smartphone Boasts Eco Credentials

With organic materials showing signs of somewhat of a resurgence, and
with bamboo seemingly being the material of the moment (in no small part
due to the fact that not only is it highly sustainable but is also
extremely fast growing) it was only a matter of time till a designer
such as Micheal Laut fused bamboo into the design of a modern smartphone.

In being a conceptual piece as you would expect technical specifications
are rather thin on the ground, but what is abundantly clear from Laut's
Chute concept smartphone is that the use of organic materials need not
result in designs that appeal merely to the acutely eco-conscious.

The benefits of bamboo are numerous. Not only is the material extremely
hard-wearing but, also, once the device has lived its life as a product
the resulting waste is (certainly as far as the phone's shell is
concerned) completely biodegradable.

A concept it may be, but we would put serious money on such natural
materials featuring more and more in such devices in the future - not
least due to the ever increasing power of the 'green dollar'.

Micheal Laut [via]

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