Wednesday 18 February 2009

Matrix M6001 Series Neo Retro LCD Wrist Watch Offers Classic Abstraction

If you're looking for a highly distinctive wrist watch that offers
unashamedly retro styling fused with classic design elements set off
beautifully with a far from traditional method of time telling this
stylish Matrix M6001 Series wrist watch has all bases well and truly

If you were to hand us a design brief detailing all the design elements
the Matrix M6001 Series wrist watch appears to have been inspired by we
don't doubt that we would have scratched our heads prior to laughing you
out of the room - and yet, this supremely distinctive watch somehow
manages not only to pull everything together to such great effect, but
it does so in such a gloriously pompous fashion.

Whether the Matrix M6001 appeals to your particular design sensibilities
or not, few would argue that this is a watch that's positively
guaranteed to coax more than its fair share of double takes. In fact,
given a week of wearing this it wouldn't surprise us if you became a
little fed up as the umpteenth stranger asks how you availed yourself of
one (I must like this watch as its conjuring words in my mind I haven't
used for some considerable time).

Will the Matrix M6001 suit everyone? No, absolutely not. But for those
looking to pull off what we can best describe as a neo retro look (and a
great look it is, too, when successfully achieved) this is one watch
that will doubtless serve as the jewel in the crown as far as finishing
touches are concerned.

Featuring a black LCD display that conveys the time via a series of
columns and available with a suitably pastel range of coloured leather
straps (white included) this Matrix M6001 Series wrist watch is, in our
humble opinion at least, a masterstroke of design and, at a mere 69000
Korean Won (which, at the time of writing, equates to around $73 / pound
sterling37 / โ�ฌ50 excluding shipping) it's a steal.

You'll now excuse me whilst I do some breathing exercises and submit to
a cold shower.

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