Friday 20 February 2009

Limited Edition ‘Broken Image Link’ Wall Art for the Seriously Geeky

Whilst trawling the net looking for material we came across these
limited edition canvas posters known as Posters for Relaxation by
Michael Sholk of Laboratorium Conceptual Design that made us smile - if
only on account of their overtly geeky somewhat tongue-in-cheek nature.

Little in the way of information is available except to say that these
quirky 'broken image link' canvases are limited to just 200 signed items
though we are unable to ascertain pricing (or whether they are still
available). That said, if these appeal it really shouldn't prove
especially difficult to knock up a few yourself for next to nothing -
all you need is a pre-made canvas available from most art shops, a
little back and red paint and a steady hand.

Michael Sholk

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