Friday 20 February 2009

Kenwood AS-IP300 iPod Docking Station - Has Kenwood Lost the Plot?

Whilst we genuinely never thought we would see the day that we knocked a
Kenwood product we simply cannot think of anything especially good to
say about their new AS-IP300 iPod Docking Station which, apart from a
rather curious design (that looks tacky) also strikes us as being an
overtly plastic affair the likes of which we're quite surprised that
Kenwood would ever consider putting their name to.

In truth, we may have been a little more forgiving if this bizarrely
styled device had been borne from another (lesser) manufacturer (we're
thinking along the lines of Bush here) but the truth is that the design
would still leave us cold. It's just terrible and smacks of uninspired
cheapness. Dear oh dear.

Unfortunately it's not even as if, in digging a little deeper, there's
anything that could serve to underpin anything other than the immediate
disposability of the device, what with the speakers delivering a paltry
1.9W of power - something that makes the fact that the AS-IP300 can be
powered by batteries alone as well as AC power wholly unsurprising.

Available in either black or white the AS-IP300 iPod Docking Station
retails for around $140 though, to be frank, our iPod wouldn't be seen
dead in even the same room as this device (and quite right too).

We sincerely hope that this is not the sign of things to come from
Kenwood (perhaps they could release such products under a subsidiary in
future - something like 'Kenbush' perhaps).

Kenwood [via]

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