Wednesday 18 February 2009

iHome iPod & Zune Radio Docking Stations Ooze Deliciously Retro Appeal

The trend in retro styled gadgetry shows no signs of abating anytime
soon and, when you feast your eyes on these beautifully crafted iPod and
Zune AM/FM radio docking stations from iHome complete with their wood
shells and '๏ฟฝretrotastic' Vernier rotary tuning knobs, it's not hard to
conclude that this a good thing.

Despite the retro appeal of these iHome iPod and Zune docking stations,
however, let their be no doubt that the technology contained within
their wooden cases is very much up to date as, apart from accepting and
charging either your Microsoft or Apple MP3 player (a separate model
caters for each device) these iHome docking stations offer EXB sound
enhancement and Reson8 speaker construction to ensure that the sound
quality these units deliver is more than capable of doing justice to
your digitally stored music collection.

As indicated previously, the device comes in two flavours - the iH14D
which is compatible with 5GB, 4GB and Nano iPods (pictured above) and
the ZN14D catering for Zune devices (pictured below) - with each
offering further connectivity courtesy of a rear mounted line-in socket.

Theses fabulously retro iHome iPod & Zune Radio Docking Stations retail
for around $70 each.

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