Wednesday 18 February 2009

CaseMate Handcrafted Gold & Diamond iPhone Case – A Lesson in iVulgarity

Regular readers will know that, in the main, we have never particularly
warmed to '๏ฟฝblinged-out' gadgets or jewel encrusted gadget accessories
(and that's putting it mildly) and, to be brutally honest, we see no
reason as to why we should go making any exceptions as far as this
Handcrafted Gold & Diamond iPhone Case from CaseMate is concerned.

Of course it ultimately boils down to question of taste, and, as far as
it goes, we can only offer our opinions of this particularly gaudy Apple
iPhone case - though you may, of course, think it's the best thing since
sliced bread - but we think its just about the most vulgar accessory
we've ever come across (and we've come across some especially vulgar
items in our ceaseless toil to bring you content here on TFTS).

This embodiment of what we'll subsequently term as '๏ฟฝiVulgarity'
consists of an 18K gold case featuring no less than 42 hand mounted
diamonds (totalling 3.2 carats) and, thankfully, it's a strictly limited
edition so the chances of us ever seeing it in the flesh, so to speak,
is fairly remote.

It's hardly as if we needed yet more evidence that items that so
patently strive for that '๏ฟฝblinged-out' look invariably loose any sense
of style or desirability but, just in case we hadn't laboured our
perspective on the matter enough, we present you with what is
undoubtedly our closing argument.

Our apologies to any of you who lust over such objects, but, the way we
see it is that the only value we could place on this hideous monstrosity
of a case is purely monetary - to the tune of some $20,000 - though
that's not to undermine the craftsmanship involved.

[Via BornRich]

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