Wednesday 18 February 2009

Camy Pro Gear Light Swords – Wii Star Wars Inspired Lightsabers

Only a few days ago we posted about a Wii Weapons Kit which, in all
honesty, left us rather nonplussed, but these Light Swords, which are
due to be released by Camy Pro Gear in sync with the up and coming Wii
title Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, are a different matter altogether
- after all, how could we possibly not openly welcome the prospect of
firing up our own Lightsabers prior to doing battle with the Dark Side.

Before we get too excited, however, we need to make it clear that the
imagery in this post is very much conceptual, but we'll be extremely
surprised if these do not make it to the shelves of our local gaming
store ready for the release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

The Light Swords (Camy Pro Gear are understandably careful not to refer
to these attachments as being Lightsabers so as to circumvent the wrath
of a certain George Lucas) are designed to work with the Wiimote, which
slots neatly into the handgrip, and feature a coloured plastic '�beam'
available in red, blue and green lit by LEDs powered by a watch battery
which, in a darkened room at least, are sure to look the business -
though during daylight hours the effect may be somewhat less impressive.

Interestingly, whist rumours abound that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
was due to be released with its very own Lightsaber attachment it seems
that Nintendo, in having concerns regarding the safety aspect of such
baton style attachments, may well have killed off the prospect - thus
paving the way for Camy Pro Gear's Light Swords to make what we suspect
to be a commercial killing.

[Source | IGN]

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