Friday 20 February 2009

Buffalo Release New Blu-ray Internal & External x4 Recorders in Japan

With the HD-DVD versus Blu-ray HD format war all but over (in truth, if
HD-DVD were a living entity we'd be calling in a vet to put it out of
its obvious agony) none other than Buffalo have now made it perfectly
clear which side of the fence they sit on with the up and coming release
of a new range of internal and external Blu-ray recorders in Japan which
will undoubtedly lead to a wider, international release in the fullness
of time.

Of the little information currently available concerning the units all
that's known at the time of writing is that the devices offer a x4
recording speed and that the internal SATA models are expected to retail
for around the $450 region (with the external drives carrying a slight

Buffalo [via]

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