Wednesday 18 February 2009

The Big Cat Hand Glove Sans Claws Promotes Wellbeing, Apparently

Whilst we can, of course, fully appreciate that anything that serves to
infuse us with a sense of glorious wellbeing is not necessarily a bad
thing, per se, we do wonder whether this Big Cat Hand Glove is, perhaps,
taking things just a little too far.

The Big Cats Hand Glove has been designed to resemble a cat's paw even
down to having pads, though it may come as no surprise that this rather
peculiar glove comes without claws lest we inflict damage on ourselves
thus leading to a major downer prior to us seeking solace in none-feline
related items (such as actually talking to our nearest and dearest).

No, the answer, it seem, should you feel in need of a little pampering,
is to don a fury glove and caress yourself whilst letting out the
occasional purr.

And I thought I had unresolved issues.

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