Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Gold 4GB USB Flash Drive with Diamond

Imagine the scene. A designer is approached and told that company X wants to produce a USB flash drive that stands head and shoulders above the rest. This drive, the designer is told, should be the Cartier watch of USB flash drives and, to that end, the company deposits a lump of gold in one of the designer’s hands and a diamond in the other before man-handling him into a windowless room to let his creative genius work its magic.
Days pass, and expectations are running high when, suddenly, the door swings open and the designer steps forth in an aura of light (as befits such occasions). In his outstretched hand, he has the product of his labours: the most desirable flash drive in the world.

Unfortunately, this is not it.
Certainly there are similarities. The device in question is made of solid gold (gold = desirability, apparently) and, yes, it has an embedded diamond. But then our car has four wheels as does a DB9 - but it’s not a DB9. Our car also has a steering wheel and an engine but, however much we would love it to be a DB9 we ultimately have to face up to the fact that it isn’t one, and it never will be.
Accordingly the designers of this Gold USB Flash Drive, in our humble opinion at least, need to realise that by simply making a flash drive out of gold and embedding a diamond they have not necessarily made something desirable as other elements come into play – such as styling. And this is where this drive fails as its styling is, certainly as far as we are concerned, at best wholly uninspiring and, at worse, utterly ghastly.
But wait. Perhaps we are wrong. Perhaps this is indeed the Kate Moss of USB Flash Drives (except without the aggravating, spaced out boyfriend). Perhaps you will all stare longingly at the above picture, salivating over your keyboards, only to rush out tomorrow to sell a kidney in order to purchase one.
Style may well come at a cost, but so, it seems, does vulgarity – and in this case to the tune of $2000.

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